Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013

Day 13 and 14: Exciting weekend? Uhm, yes, at least one day

Well, the weekend was... special.
Saturday was horrible. I mean, seriously horrible.
I was lying on the sofa for hours and I wasn't moving. Except for getting something for drinking and changing the TV channel. It was way too hot and I had a headache and lying on the sofa is so comfortable.
BUT I saw Daigo Stardust (Breakerz) on TV and I was like 'WOOOOOOOW!' I mean, Arashi, Hey! Say! JUMP!, NEWS and other Johnny's groups on TV that's.... basically normal. But I was so happy to see a familiar face and he's not part of any Idol group. YES!

Well, Sunday was way more exciting. I went out with a friend (and yes, I will meet him again, if we have the time to meet up...) and first we went to a Zen ceremony. This was really interesting, and the temple wasn't big but still... so beautiful.
And then we got back to Hakata Station and he took me to every single shopping mall. And I found MYNAME's Japanese album in the CD + DVD Version. *O* While I was fangirling in every CD store he was laughing about me so hard but we had so much fun. I know even more Japanese artists than he does which is... kind of weird. But still really funny. xD
Ah, and he noticed the most important thing about my taste in music -  it's a mess. Everything and anything and there's nothing I really hate. Except for German folk music. That's really awful.
Well, in the evening we ate Ramen together (sure I wasn't allowed to pay for myself) and we were walking around until 8.15 PM, so we spent almost 12 hours together and we had a lot of fun.

Well, I'll write another entry for Monday and Tuesday, so now I'll show you a few photos and that's it for now.

See you,


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