Mittwoch, 6. August 2014

Day 12 - Lotte World Adventure

Whoever had the idea of building a theme park like this - may he be blessed by everything.
It's so confusing. 4 floors, so many possibilities to go up and down and walk left, right.. it's just unbelievable.
Also Magic Island, the outdoor park, is really really nice though it's rather small.
I don't really know how to describe all those impressions.. You need to go there yourself to undertand what I'm talking about.
But the waiting areas are really long. Like.. you need to expect at least 30, more likely 60 to 80 minutes of waiting for each attraction. But it's worth it so.. yah, whatever.
And while waiting for one attraction we met a really nice couple. After waiting together for 90 minutes we've been doing some other things together and had dinner. Before someone's asking - yes, we changed KaTalk IDs so we can keep in touch. And I guess once I'm going to Seoul for university meeting up shouldn't be a problem. (*cough* I wanted to get to know some people already so things would be a little easier for me - congrats to myself, good job *cough*)
At 8PM a huge parade started - inside. So many lights and.. - excuse you Korea for being crazy but awesome - a firework. A firework inside a huge room. Perfect 'what the actual fuck' moment.
But yeah.. photos. Just a sec. XD

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