Samstag, 14. November 2015

Finally some news!

I know it seems as if I've just disappeared and abandoned this blog but I didn't! I promise all of you, I honestly planned on continuing this blog but sadly - travelling is expensive.

However, to all of those who are seriously interested in South Korea: I've got some great news!

I will go to Seoul in February 2016 again. Not for a holiday but to study at Ewha Womans University until January 2017!
Exciting, huh? Since I'll be free for 10 weeks in summer I'm planning to travel around a bit within Korea but also to Japan and maybe Taiwan as well. Of course that is only my wish and depends on how much money I can spend.

So I guess I'll be writing for you next year!

P.S.: 100 Days! Yeeeees!

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