Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Day 26: Graduation

Today was my last day in school.
What should I tell you?
I was so sad when waking up today, this seems like the end. It's so definitely.
Well, I managed not to cry in school. But I don't want to find out what's going to happen tomorrow when Sanna and I go out together again. And it's going to be the last time we can go out together.

I was wrong. This doesn't seem like the end. This is the end of the best month in my entire life. I don't know what I'm going to do today, maybe I'm going out with some friends, tomorrow in the morning I have to clean my room, then I'll go out with Sanna.
And on Sunday I have to leave this place. Is it normal that this thought hurts so much? I mean, I've been crying yesterday. Maybe I won't cry today, there's a 50-50 chance. But tomorrow... no matter what, I will cry
And then there's Sanna, we became good friends and then we have to go back to our countries.

I feel like I'm losing everything when I go back to Germany. And I can't do anything about it. When I was in Busan I felt so happy that I thought I could die immediately.
On Wednesday after the beer festival, I was so hyper and excited because everything was perfect. I knew my life couldn't get better.
And today? I'm depressed. Really depressed. And so unbelievable sad that I can't handle what I'm feeling. How is this going to end? What happened to me? (No, I don't expect an answer, I know what happened to me...)

Let's hope I'll be fine. I'll write the last entries on Sunday when I'm back in Germany because I can't use my laptop until then.

Finally, a photo from the graduation ceremony.


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